EDCHG operates a diverse portfolio of businesses which create growth options for clients in the natural resources, metallurgical and manufacturing sectors worldwide. The group provides a broad range of services across the entire engineering cycle, including:
- Strategic Development
- Operational Efficiency Programmes
- Financial and Management Restructuring
- Human Resource Development
- Information Technology
- Technology Procurement and Transfer
- Asset Procurement, Commissioning and Management
- Design and Implementation of New Operational Processes
- Updating and Optimising Existing Operational Processes
- Contingency Planning, Scenario and Sensitivity Analyses and Horizon Scanning
- Risk/Vulnerability Assessments
- Export Promotion Assistance
These services are delivered through a number of entities within the Group, each specialising in a number of key areas:
- Technical Audit Ltd
- Engineering Mining Advisory Partnership (EMAP)
- European Development Corporation Ltd
- EDC Holdings Ltd
Who We Are
Following popular demand amongst existing clients, EDC Holdings Group engaged with a group of metallurgical, mechanical, structural, civil, and industrial engineers worldwide to establish Technical Audit Ltd in 2018. The company specialises in the professional analysis and optimisation of engineering design and performance, as well as asset procurement, commissioning, and management.
Our approach remedies recurring issues in industry, of which include:
- Processes often being left unsupervised
- Technology innovation, despite its contribution to operational savings, rarely being adopted.
- Capital spending decisions rarely being tested against the available options.
- The potent effects of a dynamic consumer market driving fit for purpose machinery to become quickly outdated.
- Little time being invested in extensive supplier review beyond a few chosen companies with historical links to the organisation.
In practice, most of the attention goes towards the financial and legal structures, we understand that it is the integrity of the assets and their performance which is crucial to success, continuity, and competitiveness.
What We Do
- Engineering best practice
- Process optimisation
- “Fit for Purpose” Capital Procurement
- Risk mitigation
- Project impact
- Regulatory compliance
- Technical Due Diligence, in support of:
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Joint ventures
- Investment decision analysis
- Asset valuations
With all our engineers active in either industry or academia, our key priorities include:
- Ensuring Technical Operations are being performed as per requirement
- Maintaining a sound Framework of Control to sufficiently mitigate potential risk
- Solving Technical, Operating, and Design Problems
- Achieving Process Optimisation within Primary Metallurgical, Manufacturing and Natural Resources Industries
We seek to redress the widespread deficiency of in-house specialists in corporations by having expert engineers working alongside clients’ own staff in supporting the company’s aims and objectives. Our services provide clients with Improved internal control systems to mitigate potential risk, improved quality of service, the transparent and cost-effective procurement of goods and services, and reduced annual operating costs
Who We Are
EMAP was established in 2013, specifically to work with stakeholders of distressed assets in the natural resources sector to re-strategise and restructure, driven from a risk vantage as opposed to slavishly following revenue and growth programmes.
Shareholders experience losses because of a lack of accountability in the industry for the plans it produces and the outcomes it delivers – EMAP aims to unlock stakeholder value by offering an alternative perspective that creates room for innovative solutions, and does so by engaging the right people, with the right skills, at the right time.
What We Do
EMAP specialises in providing strategic management services for businesses. Problems cannot be solved by the same mindsets which created them – EMAP, therefore, focuses on changing management perspectives in order to produce sustainable solutions to current and recurring issues.
Our systematic approach to de-risking our clients’ assets involves a full analysis of the following:
- Operational: Revenue, Volume & Cost Productivity Strategies, Management/Worker Productivity, Equipment Productivity, Data Management, Visual Analytics, Planned Programmed Maintenance, Utilities, Compliance with Corporate Social Responsibility.
- People: Productivity of Chairman & Non-Executive Directors & CEO & Board of Directors, Managers & Workers.
- Financial: Cash Flow, Working Capital, Balance Sheet Optimization, Stakeholder Returns.
- Geopolitical: Compliance with Corporate Social Responsibility and Equator Principles, Credit Status.
Working with EMAP provides clients with access to our broad range of expertise, which includes:
- the opportunity for value creation and sustainable profits
- extensive experience throughout the entire asset life cycle
- the promotion of change in all stakeholders’ perspectives to create stability and growth
- the promotion of “leadership” instead of “ruler ship” to create a fully integrated workforce
experience in dealing with multicultural differences; a far-reaching understanding of commodity cycles and an in-depth experience creating bespoke solutions.
Who We Are
Initially mandated to stabilise heavy industries in “Eastern Europe” following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, European Development Corporation Ltd is now a privately owned, a multidisciplinary organisation serving governments and state-owned enterprises worldwide to develop and implement national industrial recovery programmes.
The majority of companies operating internationally tend to significantly flounder in the realm of strategic investment; state-owned facilities are particularly deficient in making the most of global opportunities, despite having the power of government behind them.
What We Do
We are proud of the reputation we have built for restructuring and securing “foreign direct investment” into areas of growth potential and national importance. Our aim is to improve operations by increasing the utilisation of existing resources and maximising the opportunities presented by ever-changing global markets thereby enhancing stakeholder returns.
Working together we emulate the successes existing in global businesses and are neither too afraid nor too parochial in embracing alternative methods, paradigms, and roads to success. We help clients to tap into the global network of almost unlimited experience to be able to respond quickly to rapidly changing situations both politically and socio-economically.
Our clients’ successes are attributable to their realisation of their position as a foreign corporate and the need to acknowledge that they can no longer bulldoze their way into markets with money. Our successful clients changed their attitude to one of partnering, adapted their business practice to one which is sympathetic to the region in which they operate and adopted the culture of the country where they are seeking legitimacy.
Who We Are
Established in 2001, EDC Holdings Ltd is a strategic consultancy specialising in operational, economic and financial restructuring of distressed or struggling assets in all sectors. We assist in identifying problems and underlying risks which are negatively impacting the organisation – including operational, management, financial and geopolitical factors, government regulatory changes and environmental/sustainability issues – support our clients in contingency planning, scenario and sensitivity analysis, horizon scanning and risk/vulnerability assessments
What We Do
Problems, mishaps, and poor decisions inevitably manifest themselves in all businesses – we assist in identifying risks and problems that are negatively impacting the organisation including: operational, management, financial, geopolitical, government regulatory changes and environmental/sustainability issues. We support our clients in contingency planning, scenario and sensitivity analysis, horizon scanning and risk/vulnerability assessments.
We provide specific services across a number of areas:
Refocusing And Reorganisation
- Re-Alignment of Markets
- Re-Alignment of Products
- Technology Transfer
- Organisational Change
- Establishing a Local Presence
- Balancing Local and Corporate Needs
- Optimising Structure
- Strategy Formulation and Implementation
- JV’s, Alliances, Mergers, and Acquisitions
Public Listings
- Policy Formulation
- Policy Implementation
- Restructuring
- Flotation
- Finance
Always striving to go beyond current orthodoxy, our clients benefit from EDC Holdings Ltd’s unique approach which involves:
- Adopting a “whole asset lifecycle” perspective on all aspects of change management
- Demonstrating how all aspects of uncertainty, opportunity and change management can be integrated
- Completely integrating quantitative and qualitative uncertainty processes which clarify both opportunity and risk, recognising the subjective issues involved.
- Achieving operational optimisation